Goal of ARCHed

The goal of this strategic Partnership is to create working conditions for a key team of trainers. These trainers would, during joint cyclic workshops taking place respectively at each Partner location, have the opportunity to exchange their experience, good practices and teaching methods. At the same time, they would learn new skills from each other and from invited external experts.

The team of trainers would gather in an effort to create an outline for a future compendium of horseback archery knowledge, containing, i.a. methodology of teaching horseback archery. These meetings would also provide an excellent opportunity to discuss the rules of fair play, which are extremely important in this sport, as well as in other disciplines.

Subgoal of ARCHed

The subgoal of our Partnership is to promote horseback archery (especially among young people) as a great way to develop physical activity that not only prevents obesity and civilization diseases, but also helps to stay away from the computer or mobile devices. Because it is, as any other sport, rigorous, it allows us to change our bad habits.

In the recent years the unprecedented technology development causes more and more people to lead a sedentary lifestyle; that is why practicing horseback archery not only allows spending time outdoors, but also increases our physical activity level. It is also an addictive way to relax and forget about everyday worries, which helps to keep our mental health in balance.

Aims of ARCHed

Our project aims to:

  • promote an unusual sport - horseback archery,
  • create the foundations of a common methodology of teaching horseback archery,
  • gather common rules of fair play,
  • create the network of cooperation between horseback archery organisations and clubs in different European countries and beyond,
  • initiate a bigger mobility of trainers in this discipline,
  • promote horseback archery as a way to develop physical activity and counteract addictions,
  • demonstrate beneficial effects on health, both physical and mental, of horseback archery.

In addition, this project will allow its participants to acquire new skills, exchange good practices and experiences in horseback archery as well as in partnership development and project management. In a social dimension, it will enable a greater degree of cultural integration and allow its participants to learn more about the culture and life in the Project partners countries.