Finnish Mounted Archery Association

The FMAA - Finnish Mounted Archery Association was established in 2010. It unites ca 150 members all around the country. The FMAA main task is to:

  • promote the fine sport and traditions of mounted archery / horseback archery in Finland,
  • organise events, competitions and training camps,
  • promote international cooperation.


FMAA has also 2 sub-clubs: Equestrian Martial Arts Club and ESRAJA (Southern Finland horse archers). The current president for Finnish Mounted Archery Association is Katariina Cozmei, the wife of noted horseback archer Mihai Cozmei. Vice President is Marko Suhonen, who is also the founder of FMAA. Other members of the board 2018 are Asko Hirvonen, Anna Minkkinen and Marjut Siro.


THe FMAA has organized 3 Finnish Championships 2015, 2016 and 2017. This year the championships will be held at Salo, South-West Finland in the first weekend of September. FMAA has also a team for European Grand Prix series and World Championships.

The FMAA wish to promote good archery skills but even more the sustainable and quality horsemanship, brotherhood among all nations participating these events and non stopping learning process within this great sport and tradition.