1st ARCHed workshop in France

1st ARCHed workshop - 22-24.02.2019 - FranceOur 1st workshop took place at one of our Partners premises - at the club Cheval d’Arc in France. During this 3-day workshop (22-24.02.2019) in Maulde in beautiful countryside surroundings we got the opportunity to train our skills under the watchful eye of Thiery Descamps, another of our invited external experts in HBA training.

Thiery is an expert in Mediterranean Three-Finger release technique from the Kassai School. Our French Partners showed us around and we got to know their horses. And even though the trainings took place outdoor in chilly temperatures, there was enough sun and good spirits to keep us warm and happy

If you like to see more pictures and movies taken during our meeting - please click here: Photos (445 MB)