2nd ARCHed workshop in Hungary

The 2nd workshop was supposed to take place in the UK at BHAA premises, but due to problems with Brexit-related insurance issues we did not go to the UK. After consulting our Project Assistant from the EACEA we decided to go to Hungary instead, where our next external expert lives and runs his horseback archery center - Némethy Lovasíjász Akadémia (Némethy Horseback Archery Academy).

The Némethy Horseback Archery Academy was founded 10 years ago by the Némethy family in Hungary. The head coach of the Academy is Christoph Némethy. Christoph runs one of the largest HBA training centres in Europe and has organised: 

  • 2017 - European Horseback Archery Grand Prix Series – 1st Stage
  • 2018 - First Horseback Archery Open World Championships
  • 2019 - International World Cup & Grand Prix.

This workshop felt a bit like military camp :). We trained for three full days from early morning till late evening. But it was a very fruitful and exciting workshop. We have learnt many new skills and we even practiced a special Hungary dance, helping us to improve our shooting. We also had a chance to work with HBA juniors from Hungary.

One of the highlights of the workshop was a meeting with Jason Hare, a… veteran who made a presentation how veterans in the UK use horseback archery to recover from psychological side effects of war.

If you like to see more pictures and movies taken during our meeting - please click here: Photos (461 MB)